FOR MOST RECENT UPDATES                                          (REVISED 12/28/23 12:53)
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PPQ 16s - Lawrence, Ks

V02 12/30/23 12:53 Sat Schedule - Sports Pavilion Lawrence - Power League Pre-Qualifier

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Please contact ha.assigner@hoavb.org if you notice errors
Please call Ric as well

Sunday be at your venue no later than 7:30am
Second round officials arrive no later than 7:45am
Candidates should be at SPL by 7:00am
All observers not working first round please be on site no later than 7:45
People assigned to Free State High School Saturday
Gregg Nace
Courtney Hanna
Cathy Klassen
Deanna Mankins
Flip Piontek
Kenny Waldman

V01 06/11/23 00:05 Sun Alpha List Pre-National Schedule

V01 06/11/23 00:05 Sun Grid List Pre-National Schedule



V01 06/09/23 22:00 Sat Alpha List Pre-National Schedule

V01 06/09/23 22:00 Sat Grid List Pre-National Schedule


Sports Pavilion Lawrence 100 Rock Chalk Lane Lawrence, KS 66049
Lawrence Free State High School, 4700 Overland Dr, Lawrence, KS 66049 (2.1 miles apart)
Courts 21 - 24 in this schedule are courts 1-4 at Free State HS

Everything is match play, best of 3, Sets 1 and 2 start at 4-4 to 25; Set 3 start at 0-0 to 15.

Warmups:     2-4-4 Except for each team's first match (5-4-4). Don’t run the 5 minutes or 2 minutes on the
clock. Keep it on your timing device. This should start before the coin toss.


All candidates are required to score match this weekend. Please let Ric know court and time and I will get a copy.  Good luck to every one.
Please text me if notice any errors.  Sorry for the delays, but due to drops and changes many adjustments had to be made

Usual uniforms for all officials.
Observers/Evaluators may wear khaki or black shorts with a suitable polo, even when officiating.

Saturday be at your venue no later than 7:15am
Second round officials arrive no later than 7:45am
Candidates should be at SPL by 7:00am
All observers not working first round please be on site no later than 7:45

Thank you for being here.

Ric Washburn


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Please contact ha.assigner@hoavb.org if you notice errors
Please call Ric as well

People assigned to Homefield Courts (bold indicates change of Venue)
Mary Faragher
Toni Slagle
Mike Walling
Mike Hamilton
Gregg Nace
Cheryl Aston
Jessica Beal
Phillip Boldridge
Deanna Mankins
Doug Nelson
Philip Piontek
Kenny Waldman

V01 06/03/23 21:00 Sun Schedule - Homefield Courts Pre-National Schedule

People assigned to MAVS (bold indicates change of Venue)
Steven Arnell
Brian Lorimer
Dana Gilliam
Tracey Harrison
John Birdwell
Ken Corum
Donald Gard
John Sutton
Sean Bloor
Lee Roediger
Lisa Roach
Beth Horn
Rachel Salomon
Michael Wallace
Peggy Shrum
Cindy Thompson
Ronda Miles
Tiffany Wentworth
Vetta Manning

V01 06/03/23 21:00 Sun Schedule - MAVS Pre-National Schedule

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Please contact ha.assigner@hoavb.org if you notice errors
Please call Ric as well

People assigned to Homefield Courts
Faragher, Mary
Hamilton, Mike
Miles, Ronda
Nace, Gregg
Nelson, Doug
Olsen, Michael
Piontek, Philip
Shrum, Peggy
Slagle, Toni
Thompson, Cindy
Waldman, Kenny
Walling, Mike

V01 06/02/23 19:00 Sat Schedule - Homefield Courts Pre-National Schedule


People assigned to MAVS
Arnell, Steven
Aston, Cheryl
Birdwell, John
Bloor, Sean
Corum, Ken
Gard, Donald
Gilliam, Dana
Harrison, Tracey
Horn, Beth
Lorimer, Brian
Mankins, Deanna
Manning, Vetta
Munsterman, Junior
Roach, Lisa
Roediger, Lee
Salomon, Rachel
Sutton, John
Wallace, Michael
Washburn, Ric
Wentworth, Tiffany

V01 06/02/23 19:00 Sat Schedule - MAVS Pre-National Schedule

Please email all event related concerns such as: changes in your availability;
any special notes about the day; to ha.assigner@hoavb.org (Click here)

Please email all HOTEL related concerns to megan@hoavb.org (Click here)

List of Venue Information and delivery dates

1. VENUE ASSIGNMENTS  --- 20:00 Tuesday before the event
Will be either on hoavb.org (in the OFFICIATING SCHEDULES) or ArbiterSports
(email will be sent when complete)

2. HOTEL ASSIGNMENTS --- Thursday and Friday before the event
If you do not need hotel accommodations please contact the HOA office
no later than Tuesday afternoon before the event by email to megan@hoavb.org (Click Here)
Hotel information will be emailed to individuals being housed.

3. MATCH SCHEDULES - 15:00 Friday before the event
We are working hard to make the schedules easier to follow
with all information in the same place for every location.
Please email suggestions to ha.assigner@hoavb.org

All information is subject to change.

Thank you all for supporting Heart of America Volleyball

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Inclement Weather Info will be posted on the Main Page
Please contact ha.assigner@hoavb.org if you notice errors

V02 04/21/23 09:45 Sat/Sun Schedule - Sports Pavilion Lawrence - Region Bid 16 American and 16 Freedom


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Inclement Weather Info will be posted on the Main Page
Please contact ha.assigner@hoavb.org if you notice errors
Please download to your device and print a personal copy if desired

Keeper of the Plains - Wichita

V01 02/23/23 11:41 Sat/Sun Schedule - Wichita Hoops - Keeper 17s and 18s

V02 02/24/23 21:33 Sat/Sun Schedule - Farha South - Keeper 12s, 13s, and 14s

V01 02/22/23 17:44 Sat/Sun Schedule - Farha Andover - Keeper 15s and 16s

PL - Kansas City, Ks

V01 02/22/23 10:35 Sat/Sun Schedule - Davies - PL 14s and 15s

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Inclement Weather Info will be posted on the Main Page
Please contact ha.assigner@hoavb.org if you notice errors
Please download to your device and print a personal copy if desired.

Border Series - Manhattan, Ks

V02 02/16/23 14:16 Sat/Sun Schedule - Anthony Rec Center - Border Series 11s,12s,13s,14s

V02 02/16/23 14:20 Sat/Sun Schedule - Eisenhower Rec Center - Border Series 15s,16s,17s,18s

Check Back Before Leaving for Venue
Inclement Weather Info will be posted on the Main Page
Please contact ha.assigner@hoavb.org if you notice errors
Please download to your device and print a personal copy if desired.

Various KC Venues

V01 02/01/23 11:09 Sat/Sun Schedule - Davies Volleyball Complex -PL 12s and 14s 

V01 02/01/23 12:32 Sat/Sun Schedule - Sports Pavilion Lawrence - PL 15s, 16s, 17s, and 18s

Wichita Venues

V01 02/01/23 13:03 Sun Schedule - Wichita Hoops - -PL 13s

Check Back Before Leaving for Venue
Inclement Weather Info will be posted on the Main Page
Please contact ha.assigner@hoavb.org if you notice errors
Please download to your device and print a personal copy if desired.

V01 01/06/23 13:40 PLQ 13s/18s New Century Schedules

V01 01/06/22 13:40 PLQ 16s/17s Sports Pavilion Lawrence

Have a great Tournament