FOR MOST RECENT UPDATES                                          (REVISED 01/04/25 07:38)
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Please email all event related concerns such as: changes in your availability;
any special notes about the day; to ha.assigner@hoavb.org (Click here)

Please email all HOTEL related concerns to megan@hoavb.org (Click here)

List of Venue Information and Delivery Dates

1. VENUE ASSIGNMENTS  --- 20:00 Tuesday before the event
Will be either on hoavb.org (in the OFFICIATING SCHEDULES) or ArbiterSports
(email will be sent when complete)

2. HOTEL ASSIGNMENTS --- Thursday and Friday before the event
If you do not need hotel accommodations please contact the HOA office
no later than Tuesday afternoon before the event by email to megan@hoavb.org (Click Here)
Hotel information will be emailed to individuals being housed and may be included in the Arbiter Notes

3. MATCH SCHEDULES - 15:00 Friday before the event
We are working hard to make the schedules easier to follow
with all information in the same place for every location.
Please email suggestions to ha.assigner@hoavb.org

All information is subject to change.

Thank you all for supporting Heart of America Volleyball

Check Back Before Leaving for Venue
Inclement Weather Info will be posted on the Main Page
Please contact ha.assigner@hoavb.org if you notice errors

Sports Pavilion Lawrence - PLPQ 14s and 17s

V03 12/27/24 20:34 Sat Schedule - SPorts Pavilion Lawrence - 14s and 17s Pre PowerLeague Qualifier