#TEST MLK 2025

FOR MOST RECENT UPDATES                                  (REVISED 01/17/2025 14:00)

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FOR MOST RECENT UPDATES                                  (REVISED 01/17/2025 14:00)

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All document links have been converted to Google sheets and docs

Thank you for your patience

Thank you all for making this a great event.
We couldn't do it without you.


We will submit payment information to Arbiter on 01/31/25.
All referees living 65 miles or farther will receive a $50.00 travel allowance.

We Appreciate Your Partnership

If you originally lost matches due to your previous match running late we made every effort to give you credit
for any lost matches. If that did not happen, please go to Procedures for Incorrect Info below.
If your match count is one or two off in your favor due to those lost matches consider the count to be correct.
Again, THANK YOU, as we could not do this event without you.
Below is the most current pay info based on the grid and alpha below.
We have done our best to gather all the changes that occurred during the event
and hope that this contains all changes. Please check the pay information below.

25 MLK Payroll Info 01/26/25 17:30

If your information is boldface and highlighted in yellow, We cannot pay you until you setup
an Arbiterpay account for more information look here Set Up Arbiterpay Account from ArbiterSports

Personalized Email to Each Official

Shortly (before midnight Sunday night) you should receive a personal email will be sent to every official.
The Subject will be 25MLK Payment Info For your-last-name, your-first-name
To avoid any delays you must follow the instructions below

If Your Match Count, Certification Level and Travel Allowance is Correct

Please reply to the email after putting (CORRECT) in the front of the
Subject like this (CORRECT) 25MLK Payment Info For your-last-name, your-first-name
Once that is received we will add your info into ArbiterSports
and mark it as verified on the next update of the system.

If Your Match Count, Certification Level and Travel Allowance is Incorrect

Using the grid and alpha below with your match log please list the matches we missed.
We will investigate and correct any confirmed discrepancies.
You must submit any discrepancies, for review, by 19:00 7:00PM CT Wed 01/29/25

25 MLK Tourney Alpha 01/26/25 21:00 CT

25 MLK Tourney Grid 01/26/25 21:00 CT

Please reply to the email after putting (INCORRECT) in the front of the
Subject like this (INCORRECT) 25MLK Payment Info For your-last-name, your-first-name
List all the discrepancies that you find.
Please include date, time and court.
Once that is received and confirmed we will update ArbiterSports
and mark it as verified on the next update of the system.

Pickup/Return Scoresheets

Courts 1-64 - Main Championship Desk

Courts 65-68 - Municipal Hall (by entrance)

Courts 69-72 - Exhibition Hall (X-Hall) (by entrance)

Courts 73-84 - Hy-Vee 1-12 Championship Desk


Text Brad at 417-380-8292 when you get to KC.
Example: Patrick Mahomes in KC....please use your name....
Thank you,
Brad Beach


7:00AM for 8:00AM Match Starts
8:00 AM for 9:00/9:30 AM Match Starts
9:00 AM for 10:00 AM Match Starts


Printed copies are available at Championship Desk

PDF 2025 MLK Procedures - PDF

GOOGLE Doc 2025 MLK Procedures - Gdoc

Communication with Head Refs

As Soon As Possible

  • Build a group text thread with the following people

913-271-8501    Steve Arnell
316-285-8652    James Ewart
816-905-4674    Don Gard
816-916-4637    Denise Jett
785-393-2431    Jenny Morgison
913-485-3024    Thomas Rastok
816-517-6698    Nathan Sullins
785-221-2300    John Sutton
573-230-8694    Ric Washburn
417-380-8292    Brad Beach
816-344-9144    Eric Worsham

  • Name the thread “Head Officials” or “MLK” or whatever.
  • Send a text to the group thread with your name.

For example: Brad Beach

Issues during Tournament

  • Send text to group with short message with name and short description of issue.

For example: Name court issue

  1. Donald Duck BH-8 Protest
  2. Mickey Mouse BH-41 Trainer -specify need: blood, wheelchair, etc
  3. Captain Marvel HV-1 Lost ball
  4. Connor Macleod HV-12 Crowd issue

One of the listed officials will reply with “On it” or “Stop doing that”
or something to let you know that help is on the way.

This does 2 things:

  • We now know:
    1. Who is having an issue.
    2. Where the issue is.
    3. What the issue is.
  • We now know someone is responding.

When tournament is over:

Delete the message group/conversation

For HOA Officials (All are Welcome)

MLK Procedures for Officials New to Convention Center Events
Date: Fri 01/17/2025 Time:7:30PM-9:00PM
Bartle Hall : Rm 2215

Attendance is not Mandatory - You are responsible for following all Procedures

A link to the Procedures will be posted in the Check In / Communication / Procedures balloon later

NO USAV Specific (given at Nationals and some Qualifiers) Shirts --- No Patches

HOA First Year IRO Officials may wear a plain White Polo (No NHFS shirts)

SAT -  Any Color Polo

Sun - Gray Polo OR White Polo

Mon - Blue Polo OR White Polo

LINK: AES 2025 ASICS Kansas City MLK Tournament Score Entry

Password: On Written Procedures and will be sent by email to officials

If you can't find it, it may mean the server is not up.

We will check regularly. Bring your score sheet to the respective Championship Desk/Table and notify the staff.
We will fix.



2025 MLK Court Layout

Schedule Changes - 01/20/25 - 09:30

Trish Knight - Court 53 @ 1pm has been moved to Court 62

Brad Skinner - Court 54 @ 11am - match will NOT be played (please check with championship staff if needed elsewhere)

Mike McNeil - Court 51 @ 1pm - match will NOT be played (please check with championship staff if needed elsewhere)

Jason Carper - Your 1pm Match has been moved to court 66.

Phillip Boldridge - Your 1pm match has been moved to court 68.

Thank you,

Eric, Brad, Ric


Points of Emphasis for Day 3

You guys are amazing. Seriously.

We had a few bumps but everyone was flexible enough to make it all work.


Thank you for keeping your scoresheets in the building and promptly returned to championship desk.
As we go into Day 3, you may have to wait on your scoresheet to be printed.
PLEASE BE PATIENT with the tournament staff as they will be working very hard to get these
scoresheets out for you.
This also means that many matches cannot be printed until you have entered your scores
into AES ACCURATELY and turned in that scoresheet.


The Asics MLK Tournament, has an event rule that absolutely no artifical noisemakers are in-use
during the matches. NO EXCEPTIONS!


We, as assigners, promise to do better with getting information out to you regarding schedule changes.
So, if you were adversely affected by this today please accept our apologies.
We will do better. If you have no idea that anything happened…even better.


To our out of town folks, please travel safely going home.
We hope you come back next year and bring some friends.


Your tournament directions sheet has a match-count grid on the back. This is for you to keep track of
your matches and to ensure you get paid correctly. We will post the final match count in the next few
days for you to check and verify. Please watch your e-mails for these instructions.


So, THANK YOU for every big and small thing you did to make this tournament run smoothly and
facilitating several hundred young players and their ability to play volleyball.
Did I mention how amazing you all are? It showed. Thank you and see you next year at MLK.

Ric, Eric and Brad

Monday Schedules

Mon 01/20 Alpha Complete Rev 01/19/25 20:30

Mon 01/20 Grid Complete Rev 01/19/25 20:30




We were good today and Sunday we will be even better!
Here are some things we can IMPROVE!!! for Sunday.


Time management is CRUCIAL to having a smooth working tournament.
Remember, the time in between matches is 2-4-4 for all non 18 your old matches.
18's matches are 5-4-4 for the first 2 matches of the wave.
Having good time management shows respect for your fellow officials, teams, and tournament staff.
Please keep it moving!
As a reminder, the time in between sets is 3 MINUTES, regardless whether you come off the stand or not.


These must be turned in as soon as possible.
We had multiple scoresheets leave the building today.
Finish the match(es) then turn in the scoresheet(s).
Do not pass go....Do not collect $200.


Coach's credentials must be visibly displayed and must be worn during the match.
If coaches do not have credentials, they must IMMEDIATELY go to championship to get their credentials.
If there is a credentialed coach on the bench, DO NOT delay the match.


Pickup scoresheets, ball, and other necessary equipment at each championship desk.


Please continue to be vigilant with reporting uniform issues.
If you have questions, please ask your head refs.


Absolutely no cameras are to be placed along the divider curtains in between the sport courts.


Tomorrow the weather is going to be very cold.
Please bundle up appropriately when outside.
Also, please take care of yourself.
Rest during your off matches and HYDRATE.
These athletes deserve our best effort.


Sun 01/19 Alpha Complete Rev 01/18/25 20:30

Sun 01/19 Grid Complete Rev 01/18/25 20:30


Sat 01/18 Alpha Complete Rev 01/17/22:40

Sat 01/18 Grid Complete Rev 01/17/22:40




Bartle South Dock (Entrance on 16th Street)
Please do not abuse this privilege.

Do not Print Multiple Passes for Teams.
If multiple identical passes are discovered in the parking lot,
All Vehicles With That Pass Will Be Removed At Owner's Expense.


Covered Parking Is Under Construction and Not Available

More Information Can Be Found Here
Parking & Directions - Make Reservations


There is a small lot that is owned by Hy-Vee. If you get there early enough, park there.
There is an additional lot (owned by the city), sometimes they charge us and sometimes they don't.
If you are charged, please keep your receipts and submit them to Ric after the event.
